In April, some varieties are already in bloom. Blooms are often very abundant and always very fragrant.
Clementine trees are among the most advanced. Since mid-April, they have been covered with clusters of flowers that perfume the air.Clementine trees produce a profusion of small flowers over a long period. There are flowers in various stages of development, budding, open, wilted with the tiny fruit forming.Caracara orange trees are almost as early.The flowers are larger, with the typical star shape.The pink pomelos are following suit, mostly buds for the time being.A few flowers are starting to open timidly.Some Meyer lemon trees have been in flower since mid-April.Other Meyer lemon trees have decided to make leaves first, and are just now coming out with their first pink/purple buds.Each Meyer has his own character and wakes up in his own way. Those that flower first will make leaves later.They quickly become tiny lemons. This one will probably already be big and ripe by July/August.The Satsuma Okitsu are not to be outdone.They make very dense clusters. but very few of these flowers go on to become mandarins, 5 to 10% at most.These very young Owari Satsumas are also flourishing. It’s quite rare: in the first year after grafting, most citrus trees don’t flower yet.This one looks set to make at least two mandarins.