First berries

At the end of May, berries begin to appear, in small quantities at first.

There are a few black fruits on the mulberry tree (Morus nigra).
Harvesting can take over a month, as the fruit gradually ripens.
You have to come by every two or three days and pick the blackest ones.
The fruit of the “Siberian blueberry”, a honeysuckle (Lonicera kamtschatica).
These blue berries are very bitter. But that doesn’t stop the chickens from loving them.
The first raspberries are often the largest.
A Taiberry, raspberry and blackberry hybrid (Rubus fruticosus x Rubus idaeus).
Large, acidic fruit with a different taste, neither blackberry nor raspberry.
There are currants ready, you just have to choose the bunches.
A meagre harvest, but it’s still May.
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