Ichang Lemon (Shangyuan)

Citrus wilsonii (Citrus ichangensis x Citrus sinensis)
On Forner-Alcaide 5 (FA5) rootstock or Poncirus trifoliata

95.00 CHF145.00 CHF


Ichang Lemon is a natural hybrid of Ichang Papeda, identified in China at the beginning of the 20th century by F.N. Meyer, botanist and explorer for the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture).

The fruit is big (300gr +) and looks like a giant orange with yellow pulp. It is very juicy, acidic and aromatic.
The zest is an exceptional condiment, used for centuries as a perfume by the Chinese. Its scents are similar to those of Yuzu, but the abundant juice is more lemony.
It can be used as a lemon but also cooked as the Yuzu. for its generous juiciness, it is much appreciated for jams, ice creams and pastries.
Harvested in autumn. The tree is vigorous, with large leaves and long thorns.
The Shangyuan cultivar is the least thorny and the least subject to alternation (less abundant harvest every other year).






2m (minimum)

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