(Citrus junos)
On Forner-Alcaide rootstock 5
115.00 CHF – 255.00 CHF
Yuzu Nr 3 is a Yuzu cultivar selected 20 years ago in the South of France for its resistance to cold and its intense aromas.
Yuzu is not a fruit of the mouth, yet it is omnipresent in Japanese cuisine.
Its peel, juice, and even the albedo (the white part of a citrus fruit) are used in cooked dishes, pastries, ice creams, condiments, etc. Yuzu jam is probably the best citrus jam, without bitterness and very aromatic.
You can even use the many seeds to sow them, as Yuzu is true to seed, unlike almost all citrus fruits (whose seeds are 80% hybrid).
Harvested in autumn.
The tree is vigorous, very thorny and very productive. This particular cultivar is less subject to alternation (no low production every other year).